
Monday, October 20, 2008

Educational Philosophy, Leadership and Wordle (?)

Pottering around this evening in Doha. Just listened to the K12 Online Pre-Conference keynote by Stephen Heppell. Loved it! Simple in style, but powerful in message. Will share my thoughts about it a bit later on. One good quote: 'Learning is going global with vengeance'

Reading Twitter, contributing to the twittesphere, interacting, catching up. I see that Sharon Peters has tidied her office, a colleague here in Doha, FrznGuru, has been working on her philosophy, and that Jabiz just posted on his blog his educational philosophy and created a wordle.

Hmmm.....I have just rewritten my 'Educational philosophy and Leadership style' (!), I wonder what it will look like as a wordle? Here are 3 permutations of the same word set.

Key words:
Learning, change, students, curriculum, technology, classroom, believe
...leader, global, digital, encouraging

What keywords do you have in your philosophy statement?

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  1. We share a few common key words: Learning, Students, Classrooms, Technology.

    I guess great minds really do think alike.

  2. Jabiz, yes, I really like the fact that Learning is the most prominent word, and that technology is less significant. It aligns with what I have been saying for a long is not about the technology, it is about the learning.

  3. Thanx for sharing a good information and pics......


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