
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Global Education Highlights (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Global Education Highlights (weekly)

  • The purpose of the CARE Framework is to articulate a set of shared values and a collective vision for the future of education and learning enabled by the widespread adoption and use of OER. It aims to address the question of how an individual, institution, or organization seeking to be a good steward can contribute to the growth and sustainability of the OER movement consistent with the community’s values. One for your SIG @julielindsay

    tags: education OER opencontent

  • Submit an Open Textbook Would you like to suggest a book for the Open Textbook Library? Let us know! Criteria A textbook must meet all of the following criteria to be considered for the Open Textbook Library: Has an open license that allows for derivatives Is a complete book (not individual chapters) available as a portable file (e.g. PDF, ePub) Is currently in use at multiple higher educational institutions, or affiliated with a higher education institution, scholarly society, or professional organization Is an original textbook (not a derivative of another textbook) or is for an entirely new audience

    tags: education oprn textbooks

  • Great advice! Read the piece about microcredentialing - start learning online in small bites/bytes today! Also - many of the course on the portal are free - open and ready for you to start! With so many free courses available, time & money are no longer excuses. This year, it's time to join an online course!

    tags: LearningHub education onlinelearning open

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.