Sunday, July 30, 2017

Global Education Highlights (weekly)

  • tags: education future employment research

  • My new book is out | Bryan Alexander

    tags: digitalstorytelling education media

  • Interesting infographic approach to share a new way of understanding open, connected teaching and learning. Great infographic #CSURU by @KayOddone. Connected Educator -

    tags: CSURU education connected INF532 openlearning

  • Eric Sheninger writes, "School leaders will often write off the notion of redesigning learning spaces due to financial constraints. However, research indicates that schools don’t need to spend vast amounts of money to make instructional improvements. In fact, changes can be made that have little to no cost yet make a significant difference. Examples include altering the classroom layout, designing classroom displays differently, and choosing new wall colors (Barrett et al., 2015). These research-based factors are minimal financial commitments that can help boost student outcomes."

    tags: education learningspaces research INF537 pedagogy

  • From Stephen Downes - Open online learning entered the mainstream with the growth and popularity of MOOCs, but while interest in open online courses has never been greater MOOCs represent only the first step in a broader open learning infrastructure. Adapted from a talk given March 9, 2017, at the State University of New York in Syracuse, this essay describes several key innovations shaping the future of open learning: distributed social networks, cloud infrastructures and virtualization, immersive reality, and personal learning environments. It outlines the challenges this evolving model will pose to learning providers and educational institutions and recommend policies and processes to meet them.

    tags: INF537 connectivism openlearning education

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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