Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Flat Classroom Project 2007 Invitation

I am excited to announce that Vicki and I will be running another Flat Classroom Project this semester. We are continuing to explore and define the parameters of a truly interactive and collaborative global project and invite interested classrooms anywhere in the world to consider being part of this unique experience.
We have spent the past two months deliberating as to what format the project will take and how we will preserve the integrity of the past project. Essentially the Flat Classroom Project 2006 is now archived on its own wiki and there is a new wiki for this brand new project in 2007 soon to be announced.

Meanwhile here is the press release about the project:

"As a follow up to the award winning Flat Classroom project (see 2006 project), educators Julie Lindsay (Qatar Academy, Qatar), Vicki Davis (Westwood Schools, Camilla, GA USA), Barbara Stefanics (Vienna International School, Vienna, Austria), and John Turner, (Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, Australia) are announcing the official pre-planning of the Flat Classroom Project 2007 which will begin in October and conclude on November 30th, 2006. This year's project will incorporate a study of the ten flatteners as outlined in Thomas Friedman's book The World is Flat, and earned the project inclusion in version 3.0 of his book. (pages 501-503). This year's project includes an intentional plan to include the six senses of the conceptual age as outlined by Daniel Pink in his book A Whole New Mind.

This project already includes schools from four continents but the goal is to include schools from six continents (except Antarctica.)

Accordingly, this project will include three primary components:
  1. Editing and updating previously created information (Mass Collaboration, Symphony)
  2. Creating Digital Stories using the 6 senses of the conceptual age from Daniel Pink's book, A Whole New Mind
  3. Post Project Reflection - Students will post their reflection on the process on the project ning.
This year's project has three primary methods of facilitating communication:
  1. The Flat Classroom Wiki - This will be our product.
  2. The Flat Classroom Ning (with private groups for teachers, leaders, student groups, and educators).-- This will be our connection piece that will allow us to make and cement the connections and manage the workgroups.
  3. The Flat Classroom Airset to create cross-time zone calendaring.

Interested classrooms are invited to read the requirements and email flatclassroomproject@gmail.com.
Participating classrooms will be announced on Tuesday, September 25th.

How you can join in:
  • Participating Classroom: We wish we could take everyone but are looking for several other strategically placed classrooms with the competence to participate. Please contact us!
  • Sounding Board (Peer review): Perhaps you have a classroom that would like to spend a day reviewing videos. This year's project will heavily rely on digital storytelling. E-mail us as well. We plan to add additional room in Elluminate.
  • Researchers: We are making the Ning open to researchers, expert advisers, and those who would like to more closely follow the project.
  • Judge: We are working on this element right now.
  • Attending a student summit or live Elluminate meeting.
So, do you have a class that is ready and willing? We would love to hear from you!

email flatclassroomproject@gmail.com

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Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher said...

I'm so excited about this new project. It is going to be another very important experience.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,

I would love to be involved in any way that I can! Given that I now teach at the elementary level, I'm not sure any of my classes could participate, but I'm willing to try anything!