Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mobile, Digital, Ubiquitous

'Mobile, Digital, Ubiquitous: Solutions for Learning with Handhelds' was held this morning in B213 at 8:30. This was a panel session moderated by myself and included Judy Breck, Graham Brown-Martin, Janice Kelly and Tony Vincent.
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We had about 40 people in the audience all listening intently and trying to make sense of where the future lies with handheld technology. The panel members spoke on different topics and treated the audience to a diverse breadth and depth of knowledge to do with mobile computing.

Judy, Janice, Graham (me) and Tony

Main points I will take away from this session:
  1. Graham's semantic preference for 'Learning while mobile' instead of 'Mobile Learning', meaning that the learning will come first and the mobility will enhance this.
  2. Judy encouraging educators to the embrace individuality of being mobile.
  3. Janice reminding us that educators have become part of the learning process.
  4. Tony emphasising and showing new tools for web apps for mobile devices. See his learninginhand.com site.
More details about the presenters and links to resources can be found on the SIGHC wiki for this presentation. Also, check out posts from the live bloggers at the session: Mark Van 't Hooft and Cheri Toledo. Here is the Powerpoint I put together to introduce the session.

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