Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hitch a ride with HitchHikr

Congratulations to David Warlick for setting up a new interface for conference collaboration and accessing tagged blog postings. HitchHikr (try HERE if not opening) is a conference aggregator that is far from a 'dumb and useless idea' (David's comments) and here I am 'sticking my thumb out' to help promote it. Read about it on 2 Cents Worth.

In David's words:
In changing times, we need to raise our heads out of the water every once in a while, take a drink of kool-aid, network, learn, and energize. Yet, we can't always make it to the conferences we need to attend to mix with the people we need to see -- face-to-face. This is why Hitchhikr was invented, to provide you with a virtual space where, thanks to blogs, podcasts, and RSS, we can connect, share, respond, and grow knowledge out beyond the place and time of the event.

I signed up this morning and find the interface user friendly and comfortable. Of course the conference I am attending in 2 weeks, NECC06 is already represented, but so are many others that I will not have the privelege of a f2f experience therefore I am really looking forward to reading postings specific to certain events in the one place.

Thanks David! and I also look forward to the connectivity tutorials coming soon on HitchHikr!

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